Fighting Indifference

Today I spent some time reflecting on and analyzing the rhetoric of Elie Wiesel’s April 1999 speech The Perils of Indifference, and I couldn’t help but think of one of the major themes of Pope Francis’s pontificate thus far – the call to treat all human beings with dignity and eschew selfishness to take care of those most in need. On March 28, 2015, he tweeted, “As disciples of Christ, how can we not be concerned for the good of the weakest?”

And yet, it is easy to become distracted and sure that caring and concern are the jobs of people with more time, money, or other resources than we do.

Following the refugee crisis besetting Europe and having been recently moved by that tragic picture of Aylan Kurdi, the three-year-old Syrian boy whose body washed up on the shores of Turkey, it would truly be a difficult thing to listen to or read Wiesel’s address to the Clinton White House and the American people in general, the words of a boy who lived through the horrors of the Holocaust, and feel indifferent to the plight of refugees the world over.

Join me today at #CrossTheBridgeForLife!

Cross the Bridge

Today, on the banks of the Ohio River beginning at 1PM, thousands of families, priests, and religious will be gathering to walk across the Purple People Bridge for the 10th year in a row at Cross The Bridge For Life.  It’s an ecumenical pro-life event I make a point to go to every year, it’s FREE, and it’s an absolute blast.

We meet today at the festival area at Newport on the Levee in Kentucky for food, face painting, live music and general good times.  I’m the emcee again this year, and invocation givers and award recipients for our very brief program include Bishop Roger Foys, Archbishop Dennis Schnurr, and Son Rise Morning Show alum Brian Patrick. Plus, last year I saw Captain America hanging out with the Sisters of St. Joseph the Worker, so there’s that kind of thing going on too.

The whole thing’s free, and it’s awesome- for more info, visit, and if you’re with us, take tons of pictures and tag them with #CrossTheBridgeForLife, or just follow the tag to live vicariously through us.

Plus, I bought a new hat just for the occasion- hope to see you there!

"Marriage is a duel to the death, which no man of honour should decline." – G.K. Chesterton's 'Manalive'